eat. drink.
travel. Create
the           way



Kayla Wonderly

Getting to Know:

photographer, certified wine drinker, travel enthusiast

Hi there

and welcome to my world!

hi there and welcome to my world!

Whether you’re a frequent traveler, have never flown before, or are sitting somewhere in between, there’s something for you here. More than anything, I hope the stories conveyed through my writing and photography, the missteps (because let’s be real, travel is often full of them), and the services and resources within these pages inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone and book that next trip, because travel is beautiful. It’s an essential component to broadening our lives and perspectives and ultimately, to creating a better world. 

I took the leap of starting this business now, after years of saying “I should”, for many reasons, but primarily because 2020 proved just how quickly life as we know it can change. In a year when so many pieces of our normal lives were taken away, for me, so much was also clarified. Travel (or dreaming about it at least), photography, the written word and the worlds of food and wine quickly became my lifelines as I realized that the things that give me life, are those that evoke

Whether you’re a frequent traveler, have never flown before, or are sitting somewhere in between, there’s something for you here. More than anything, I hope the stories conveyed through my writing and photography, the missteps (because let’s be real, travel is often full of them), and the services and resources within these pages inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone and book that next trip, because travel is beautiful. It’s an essential component to broadening our lives and perspectives and ultimately, to creating a better world. 
I took the leap of starting this business now, after years of saying “I should”, for many reasons, but primarily because 2020 proved just how quickly life as we know it can change. In a year when so many pieces of our normal lives were taken away, for me, so much was also clarified. Travel (or dreaming about it at least), photography, the written word and the worlds of food and wine quickly became my lifelines as I realized that the things that give me life, are those that evoke




I took the leap of starting this business now, after years of saying 'I should', for many reasons, but primarily because 2020 proved just 

                                                          how quickly life as we know it can change.

I took the leap of starting this business now, after years of saying 'I should', for many reasons, but primarily because 2020 proved just  how quickly life as we know it can change.

shop prints

Now, I believe wonder can be found in your sunrise cup of coffee, or in the perfect at home food and wine pairing, but do you remember the exact moment you experienced the feeling of wonder through travel for the first time? 

For me, that was in an October 2015, Paris sunset. The facades, the fact that the structure I was dining in was built before the existence of the United States, and the wine. Oh my goodness, the wine. It was one of those rare, time stops, perfect moments. 

Since then, I’ve lived in San Francisco exploring incredible food and the even better wine of Napa Valley, I’ve traveled the world with a hyper-focus on food, wine and history, I’ve planned countless trips both local and abroad for myself and others, I’ve picked up a camera, put my long lost journalism degree to good use and have continued to advance my wine education through a level 1 Sommelier certification, which provides me with the authority to write about wine in a way that will give you a deeper knowledge of ideal food and wine pairings and the unique wine regions across the world.

Currently, I’m living in London, working my way through travels to every capital city in Europe, am absolutely enthralled with all kinds of pinot noir, and most importantly, I am quite excited to get to know you.

the rapt attention and deep emotion caused by the sight or experience of something extraordinary.
wonder (n.):

Cheers to finally planning that bucket list trip.

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The Wonder Collective was created to share my passion for travel, food and wine with the world in a way that makes your life easier. 

The Wonder Collective was created to share my passion for travel, food and wine with the world in a way that makes your life easier. 

plan my trip

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